
ESEA launches Personal Records

Today we get a little more personal.

Over the years we’ve allowed users to see and track their statistics through ESEA, but it has not been easy for you to find your best games or highest achievements. Today we launch a new system, Personal Records, allowing you to track your best performances and see your highest achievements.

We’ve only just started tracking this data over the last week, but as you continue to build your career on ESEA, you'll be able to watch your Personal Records improve. We’ve added a breakdown of 30 days, 90 days, 180 days, and career, allowing you to break down more recent performances or look at the overall picture.

The following are tracked in Personal Records:

  • Total Money Spent
  • Consecutive Wins
  • Highest Rank
  • Highest ADR Game
  • Highest RWS Game
  • Highest Winning Map
  • Pistol Rounds Won (%)
  • Current Win Rate (%)
  • Lowest Winning Map

These are designed to not only be fun stats while giving you a goal to improve upon. Currently only Pugs are tracked, however, we’ll be looking at statistics to start tracking for the ESEA League in the near future. We’ve also started thinking of ways we can issue Team Records, and it’s something we want to expand on in the future.

Want to view your own Personal Records? Head on over to your ESEA profile and click the "Records" tab at the top!